Sometimes when we have sex, letting ourselves be carried away by the passion and frenzy of the moment can lead us to commit some recklessness and put aside the care of hygiene. Sexologists, however, recommend that we take care of our health and hygiene both before and after the sexual encounter. These are hygienic customs as simple as washing hands or ensuring that there is adequate lubrication. Such simple actions can prevent numerous complex diseases around sex.
It never hurts to remember some of these prevention practices so that we can enjoy our sex more safely. On the What the girl portal we can review them and find out whether or not we are doing the right thing in terms of sex and health: “Lourdes Cardona Moreno, a surgeon specializing in Gynecology and Obstetrics, explains that in the sexual field one of the serious errors that they commit is not to wash their hands, forgetting it can cause vaginal infections and complications, especially when there is direct contact. "
This is not an unimportant issue, since careless hygiene is one of the main causes of health complications related to sex. Preventing it is easier than we think. But beyond actions at specific times, the ideal is to maintain regular hygiene and health routines. For this reason, introducing a few minutes to take care of the body, alone or in company, into our day to day is the best solution.